Nuwan ZenIntroduction to Concurrent ProgrammingConcurrent programming is a form of computing where threads can run simultaneously.Feb 5, 2022Feb 5, 2022
InCodeXbyNuwan ZenUnderstanding Java Functional InterfacesHere are the types and details of functional interfaces.Sep 4, 2021Sep 4, 2021
Nuwan ZenJava: Parallel Functional ProgrammingModern Java is a hybrid of combining object oriented and functional paradigms together. Hence Java isn’t OOP anymore. This paradigm shift…Jul 25, 2021Jul 25, 2021
InCodeXbyNuwan ZenWhat Are Java 8 Lambda ExpressionsA lambda expression is an unnamed block of code with optional parameters that can be stored, passed around, & executed later.Jul 24, 2021Jul 24, 2021