Elasticsearch Task Management

Nuwan Zen
Jul 20, 2021

This is how you should search for a running task kill it if you need

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Open Dev Tools in Kibana and run this, will give you a detail list of all the tasks.

GET _tasks?detailed


"kW1_b9QcSH-pbwZsCV3YAg:1209117" : {
"node" : "kW1_b9QcSH-pbwZsCV3YAg",
"id" : 1209117,
"type" : "persistent",
"action" : "xpack/rollup/job[c]",
"status" : {
"job_state" : "started",
"upgraded_doc_id" : true
"description" : "rollup_axp-support-rollup-uniq-user-perhour",
"start_time_in_millis" : 1626690188840,
"running_time_in_nanos" : 66405727473010,
"cancellable" : true,
"parent_task_id" : "cluster:1694",
"headers" : { }

Following line show you the status of the task

"job_state" : "started",

If you wan to kill cancel the task get the task id from the output, in my case id is “kW1_b9QcSH-pbwZsCV3YAg:1209117”

POST _tasks/kW1_b9QcSH-pbwZsCV3YAg:1209117/_cancel



Nuwan Zen

Sometimes A software Engineer, sometimes a support engineer, sometimes a devops engineer, sometimes a cloud engineer :D That’s how the this life goes!